Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crackling Spinach with Garlic

Today was a mood for simple food, going back to the usual daal-chaawal (Lentils with rice) cooked in the typical home style. Nothing fancy. 
So to accompany the simple food, I fixed a simpler dish, crackling garlic spinach. & trust me it was awesome, sorry no pictures coz we ate it as soon as it was made. Here's the recipe:
Since it was just three of us & it was my side dish we made just a lill bit of it, so increase the quantities if you like more of leaf.
  1. Spinach leaves: a small bunch: diced
  2. Garlic : 7 cloves finely chopped (reduce to 4 cloves if you dont like too much garlic)
  3. Green Chillies: 4, finely chopped
  4. Salt: 1/4 teaspoon (adjust as per taste)
  5. Red chilli powder: 1/4 teaspoon
  6. Oil to fry: 1 cup
Wash the spinach nicely under running water & drain all the water ensuring that the spinach is fairly dry(moist is fine)
Add salt & red chilli powder into the spinach so that it is evenly spread, & keep it aside for 15 minutes. Some water would seep out of spinach, but that's OK. 
Heat oil in a pan, once hot fry the chopped garlic first, & keep aside. Then fry spinach in small amounts.In the end fry the green chilies. 
Mix the fried spinach, chilies & garlic, sprinkle a little bit more salt if required. Serve hot.

You can toss into the spinach some butter cooked prawns, or boiled chicken chunks or some cottage cheese, especially the flavored ones to make a great starter. 

Hope you enjoy it, I liked it very much with my dose of daal-chawal. 

The first post

Like the first day at school, like the first day at work, like the first date, I am anxious......
For long I have been thinking, considering how much I love food & everything that revolves around it including cooking, I should start seriously to capture my awesome recipes & also experiences for keeps & shares.

So yeah here I finally decide to begin :)

Hopefully, I shall come up with something worthwhile.