Sunday, September 15, 2013

Finally a way to make whipped cream using our good old Amul Fresh Cream

Well, I have struggled with making whipped cream for ages.... Lemme list down things I has tried:
1. Using really cold equipment - Cream whips up fine but doesn't stabilize.
2. Buying imported whipping cream - Works but is a lill expensive to buy President whipping cream in India
3. Using packaged whipping cream powder - Doesn't really taste that good
4. Using fresh cream skimmed off the milk at home - Always ends up being buttercream.
5. & ofcourse innumerable times - Amul fresh cream - It just doesn't have enough fat content.

But never could I whip up cream good enough to frost & last.

BUT FINALLY I HAVE ACHIEVED SUCCESSSSSSS...... & wanna share with you all:

So here are my tips to use Amul Fresh Cream to make that perfect whipped cream:

  1. Let the cream be in a refrigerator for atleast a few hours to ensure its at 8 degrees C
  2. Don't shake the pack before use 
  3. When you pour the cream in a clean cool bowl for whipping, drain away the liquid that has separated from the cream.
  4. Whip a lill & then add some fresh cream skimmed off the milk at home (I added about 2 tbsp to one small pack of Amul cream)
  5. Add icing sugar & vanilla & whip it for a minute or two to reach that beautiful piping consistency.
Here's a pic of cupcakes I frosted with the cream.

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